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Meaning of the name Eoghan

Eoghan \e(o)-ghan\ as a boy's name is pronounced YEW-en, YO-wen. It is of Gaelic origin, and the meaning of Eoghan is "born of yew; youth". In Irish legend, E?n was the name of one of the two sons of Niall of the Nine Hostages (the other was Conall). Anglicized forms of the name are Ewan, Euan, Owen and Eugene.

Baby names that sound like Eoghan are Egan and Eagan. Other similar baby names are Ethan, Ehsan, Eidan, Edan, Eaman, Eban, Efran, Egon, Egann, Eagen, Elan, Eilan, Elian, Eman, Eoin, Ean, Ephah, Epifan, Eran, Ethen, Etan, Eitan, Eugen, Evan, Evian, Jovan, Eon, Eian, Keeghan, Vaughan and Zephan.

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