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Meaning of the name Aeneas

Aeneas \ae-neas\ as a boy's name is of Greek and Latin origin, and the meaning of Aeneas is "to praise". From Aineias, from Greek "ainein". Mythology: the Trojan hero prince of Virgil's "Aeneid", who founded the Italian colony (Latium) that was the origin of Rome. In Scotland this name was sometimes used as a classicized form of Angus. Football player Aeneas Williams.

Aeneas has 11 variant forms: Aenneas, Aineas, Aineias, Aineis, Ainneas, Enea, Eneas, Enne, Enneas, Enneis and Enneiss.

Baby names that sound like Aeneas are Ennes, Inness, Innes, Jens, Jonas, Jones and Yonas.

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