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Meaning of the name Amber

Amber \a-mber\ as a girl's name is pronounced AM-ber. Derived via Old French and Latin from Arabic "ambar". Amber is the English name for a semiprecious gem made from fossilized tree resin, and is also used to describe the gem's golden color. In Hindi, the name is derived from Sanskrit, meaning "the sky". Amber became popular in the 1960s due to the Kathleen Winsor novel and film, "Forever Amber". Model Amber Valletta.

Amber has 5 variant forms: Ambar, Ambereen, Amberetta, Ambre and Ambur.

For more information, see also related names Amberly and Ebony.

Baby names that sound like Amber are Amberli, Amberlie, Amberley, Amberlee, Amberlea and Amberely.

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