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Meaning of the name Bronte

Bronte \b-ron-te, br(o)-nte\ as a girl's name is of English origin. Literary: transferred use of the surname of the sisters Charlotte, Emily, and Anne. The spelling is influenced by Greek "bronte", meaning "thunder", in place of Prunty, which is an Irish surname meaning "descendant of Proinnteach". Proinnteach is a personal name meaning "bestower", originally being used to denote a generous person. Use of the given name is probably inspired by the character in the film "The Green Card".

Baby names that sound like Bronte are Brande, Brandy, Brantley, Brannde, Brandye, Brandie, Brandi, Brandei, Brandee, Brandea, Branda, Brand, Breonda, Brenda, Brynda, Brinda, Brendie and Brunette. Other similar baby names are Bente, Brenee, Brynne, Brenne, Brenie, Brette, Britte, Brionne, Brione, Brodie, Bronya, Bronny, Bronnie and Bronia.

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