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Meaning of the name Rhonda

Rhonda \r-honda, rho(n)-da\ as a girl's name is pronounced RON-dah. It is of Welsh origin, and the meaning of Rhonda is "good lance". Since the name only became popular in the 20th century, it also possibly derives from the name of the River Rhondda, meaning "noisy", in Wales. In America, there is a well-known Beach Boys's song, "Help Me, Rhonda!"

Rhonda has 11 variant forms: Larhonda, Rhondelle, Rhondene, Rhondiesha, Rhonette, Rhonnda, Ronda, Rondel, Rondelle, Rondi and Ronnda.

Baby names that sound like Rhonda are Randa, Randy and Randi.

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